Adjust the Route planning settings to set how routes are planned.
Default Route Type
Adjust this option to set the type of route that will be planned when you plan a new route.
You can select the following types of route:
Fastest - the fastest route to your destination.
Shortest - the shortest route to your destination. This may take much longer than the fastest route.
Avoid Motorways - this type of route avoids all motorways.
Walking Route - this type of route is optimised for walking.
Bicycle Route - this type of route is optimised for bicycles.
Limited Speed - if you select this type of route, you must enter a maximum speed for your vehicle. The route planned takes this restriction into account.
Eco Route - always plan the most fuel-efficient route.
Winding Roads - plan a route that avoids unnecessary motorways and includes winding roads, with the aim of making the route fun and entertaining. You can select the level used to calculate the winding roads route, with Maximum giving the longest route.
Always Ask Me - if you select this option, you will always be asked to select the type of route that should be planned.
You can set how each of the following road types is handled when a new route is planned:
Toll Roads
Ferry Crossings
Carpool Lanes
Unpaved Roads
You can set the following actions to be taken for each type of road:
Avoid - the type of road is always avoided automatically.
Don’t Avoid - the type of road is not avoided automatically.
Always Ask - when the route is planned, you have to select how to handle these roads when they occur on your route.