Important: The Speed Cameras service is only available for use with the iPhone and iPad 3G and is not available for the iPod touch or the iPad without 3G.
To use this service you need a continuous data connection (GPRS, EDGE, UMTS or CDMA). Your mobile operator may charge you for using a wireless data connection. To stop the Speed Cameras service updating, tap Change Settings in the Main menu, then tap Advanced, then scroll down to Data Services. Tap the button to switch off the service.
To buy a new subscription, do the following:
Tip: If you already own a TomTom navigation device, then we recommend that you open a new TomTom account for your iOS device using a different email address.
For more information on MyTomTom accounts, go to
Your purchase is completed in the iOS App Store. If payment is successful, Speed Cameras starts within a few minutes on your TomTom app.