TomTom services |
Tap this button to set the options for TomTom services. |
Data services
Adjust this setting to switch the Traffic and Speed Cameras or Danger Zones services on and off.
Traffic incidents are shown on the traffic sidebar and in the Browse Map screen, and traffic delays are taken into account when you plan a new route.
TomTom Safety Cameras or Danger Zones updates the locations and speed limits of fixed cameras or danger zones, and provides live updates for mobile camera or risk zone locations.
Information sharing
Adjust this setting to switch Information sharing on and off. If you turn off information sharing you will have enhanced privacy but you will not be able to use services that require you to share your data. When you turn on Information sharing you must read and agree to the Legal notice to be able to use the TomTom services.
Speed cameras/Risk zones report button
Adjust this setting to show or hide the speed camera or risk zones reporting button in the Driving View.
Speed cameras alerts
Tap this setting to choose which speed cameras and safety-related features you are warned about on your route.
Note: This setting is not used for danger zones.
Alert sound
This setting lets you choose a sound for the Speed Cameras or Danger Zones warning.
Auto-switch if a faster route is found
Adjust this setting to choose what action to take if a faster route is found. You can choose to be asked which route to take, to always take the faster route, or never to take the faster route.