Route information

Tap the arrival time panel on the right of the Driving View at any time to show the Route Information screen.

Tap Route details on the Route Information screen to show the Route information menu. You see the following options:

Show route instructions

Tap this button for a list of all the turn instructions on the route.

Show map of route

Tap this button to see an overview of the route using the Map Browser.

Show route

Tap the Show route demo button to watch a demo of the journey. To stop a demo, tap the screen, then tap Yes.


Tap this button to see a preview of your destination. Tap More... to show more information about the location, to search for parking nearby or to add the location to your Favourites.

Show traffic
on route

Tap this button to see the traffic incidents on your route. Tap the left and right arrows to browse the incidents. Tap Avoid to plan a new route avoiding an incident. You can choose the new route or return to the previous route.

This feature is only available if you have TomTom Traffic.