About TomTom Traffic

TomTom Traffic is a unique TomTom service providing real-time traffic information. Using the latest traffic information in combination with IQ Routes, TomTom Traffic helps you plan the optimum route to your destination.

Important: To use TomTom Traffic, you need a continuous data connection (GPRS, EDGE, UMTS or CDMA). Your mobile operator may charge you for using a wireless data connection.

TomTom App regularly receives information about the changing traffic conditions. If traffic jams or other incidents are found on your route, TomTom App can replan your route to minimise any travel delays.

Tip: TomTom App automatically downloads traffic updates and may incur mobile roaming charges when travelling abroad.

To prevent this, tap Settings in the Main menu, then tap TomTom services. Tap the Data services button to switch off the service.