Exporting tracks

You can export tracks as GPX files and save them on the Bridge. Using a file explorer app or your computer, you can then share the files with others.

Important: Not every TomTom Bridge has a file explorer app.

To export one or more tracks, do the following:

  1. In the Main Menu, select My Routes.
  2. Select the pop-up menu button and then select Export Tracks.

    Tip: Alternatively, when in map view, select a route and select Export Track from the pop-up menu.

  3. Select one or more routes from your list for export.

    Note: Currently, you can export only tracks from your Bridge.

    Tip: To select or deselect all routes for export, select the pop-up menu button.

  4. Select Export.

    You see the messages Exporting routes then Routes saved successfully.

    Open the file explorer app or connect your device to a computer. You can find the route files in the Bridge internal storage in the Routes folder.

    Tip: You can also open the Routes folder in a file explorer app, then share the track files using Bluetooth.