Speed camera types

You are warned about the following types of speed camera:

Symbol shown on map

Symbol shown on the device screen


Fixed speed camera - this type of camera checks the speed of passing vehicles and is fixed in one place.

Mobile speed camera - this type of camera checks the speed of passing vehicles and can be moved to different locations.

Mobile speed camera hotspots - this type of warning shows places where mobile cameras are often used.

Average speed cameras - these types of cameras measure your average speed between two points. You are warned at the start of the average speed check area. (All VIO app versions.)

While you are driving in an average speed check area, your average speed and the distance to the end of the area is shown. (Only available in the VIO app for Android).

Speed enforcement zones - these zones can contain multiple speed cameras. You are warned at the start of a speed enforcement zone.

While you are driving in a speed enforcement zone, your average speed and the distance to the end of the area is shown. (Only available in the VIO app for Android).

Red light camera - this type of camera checks for vehicles breaking traffic rules at traffic lights. There are two types of traffic light camera - those which check if you drive through a red light and those which check for driving through a red light together with speeding.

Traffic restriction - this type of warning warns you about restricted roads.

Accident blackspot - this type of warning is given for a place where road traffic accidents have historically been concentrated. You are warned at the start of the accident blackspot.