Finding a petrol station

Important: In the interest of safety and to avoid distractions while you are driving, you should always plan a route before you start driving.

To find a petrol station, do the following:

  1. Tap Search at the top of the VIO app map.
  2. Enter "petrol station".
  3. Select the type of search button and choose the location you want to search for a petrol station, for example Near me, or Along route if you have a route planned.

  4. Select the Points of Interest column, then select a suggestion from the column.

    Tip: Select the POI Petrol station group to show all petrol stations near your selected location. Tap this button to show the petrol stations on the map:

    The map opens showing the locations of petrol stations.

  5. Select a petrol station symbol from the map.

    A pop-up opens on the map showing the name of the petrol station.

  6. Select Ride.

    A route is planned and then guidance to your destination begins on your VIO device.

    Tip: If you have a route planned, select the pop-up menu then select Add to Current Route. Your current route is then recalculated to include the petrol station as a stop. (Android only.)